Kia ora koutou
Holly and Alice are all smiles.
We are excited to welcome Holly to our Omihi whānau. Holly has now joined our Paemoana class.
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned our students who had qualified for the Kowai Swimming Sports, and I would now like to congratulate Harry who will be going to the Canterbury Swimming Sports to compete in the backstroke race, and in a Year 5 relay team.
Next week is our Year 5-8 camp at Living Springs. A big thanks to Kelly and Penny for all of their organisation, and to Patrick and Aimee who are going to be our parent helpers. It is such a great camp, and I know our students will love it. I’m looking forward to driving over with them and being there for the first day and on the last day. There is often a mixture of nerves and excitement when classes go away on camp, and it’s always wonderful to see their independence, resilience and bravery throughout the camp. If you have any questions about camp, please feel free to contact Penny or Kelly. They will send out an email later in the week with any final details.
Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas
School Notices
No Subway this week
Subway isn’t able to be collected from Rangiora on Wednesday, so please do not order from Lunch Online this week. We will be back to normal next week.
Own Clothes Day
Each year our student leaders choose four charities for us to fundraise for through having one ‘Own Clothes Day’ per term. This term it is on the last day - Friday 11th April - and we will be fundraising for Big Brothers Big Sisters, North Canterbury. Please send along a gold coin donation.
Omihi School Trail Ride
We are excited to announce that our Omihi School Trail Ride will be going ahead on Sunday 9th November. Please save this date in your calendar, and we will be contacting parents nearer the time to get helpers on the day. Earlybird entries will go online on 1st September.
Strategic Planning Community Afternoon - Wednesday 7th May
Every three years we review our strategic direction and look ahead to the future to where we are heading as a school. This year all schools in NZ are reviewing and resetting, ready to have a new strategic plan ready for 2026. All stakeholders will be invited to be a part of this throughout the year - staff, students, BOT and our community. We would like to invite you to a community afternoon on Wednesday 7th May, from 3.30 - 5.30pm. There will be a movie on for the kids, and we will provide food for everyone. Please fill out this Google form to let us know if you are able to make it.
Maths Professional Learning with Rob Proffitt-White
Maths and Literacy is a major focus at the moment with the new curriculums being phased in. We are fortunate that through our Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning) we are into our second year working with Rob Proffitt-White on our Maths. There are 13 schools that have one day of learning with Rob each term, plus after school webinars. The teachers will be attending our Term 1 day this Friday. Myself and Liz Grigg will be teaching while they are away.
Omihi School bus run
Please note there will be no morning bus run on Monday 31st March due to camp.
Community Notices
House to rent
There is a four bedroom, two bathroom house on a 1/4 acre section currently available to rent on Reeces Road. $400-500 per week. If you are interested, please contact Tania and Michael Stronach on 027 404 1398 (Tania) or 027 404 1483 (Michael).