Monday, 3rd May 2021

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Kia ora whānau

We hope you had a wonderful holiday and some great down time with the family. George, Delilah and I spent some time at Mount Cook, which was just stunning. We managed to fit in a few walks and see some of the beautiful scenery.

We are excited to be launching our Omihi School Virtual Mission today! All of the info is on our website at Basically we are trying to virtually get to Christ Church School in London, England by walking, biking, scootering or running and we want you to come with us and help us clock up those 26,724km! There is a donation to enter the mission and then you can add in your km's either manually or through apps such as Strava, Apple Health etc. Your km's will add to our map and we can track our path from NZ - England!

If you're competitive, there is a leaderboard, or you can simply use it for your own motivation and a chance to help our fundraising efforts.

It is live now, so we have until Monday 26th July to reach Christ Church School. Anyone in the world can join, so feel free to share this around! We would love to have as many of our community on board as possible. Let me know if you need any help joining.

For the past two years I have been a support Principal in our Tipu Maia Kahui Ako (Community of Learning). This involves 13 schools, a range of small schools and area schools. This term I am Acting Lead Principal while Mike Hart is on sabbatical. There will be commitments that I have each week that may take me out of school at times, but also a lot that I can work on from here. It’s a great leadership opportunity for me, and also a chance for the school to receive some extra staffing for a term, which helps towards us having our 3 classrooms.

Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas

School Notices

Playground working bee
Our playground is well underway! Emma and Jared from Woodland Escapes and Natureflow are hoping most of it will be finished next week. They have asked if there are a few parents who would be able to come in for a couple of hours and help with our students to move the bark into the playground and also plant the 89 plants that Trees for Canterbury donated. This will be on Monday 10th May from 12pm. Please email me if you are able to help with this.

Movie Night/Parent catch up
A reminder that tickets are now on sale for our movie night this Friday 7th May at 5pm. The Year 8's are organising this as a fundraiser for school camp. The profits will be split across everyone going to camp. Tickets are $5. There will be two movies going for the different age groups and snacks available.

We would love to catch up with parents in Tūpari while the movie is on. Please bring a plate and a drink and we can have a chat regarding our school vision and moving forward with 3 classrooms.

Paddock to Plate Inquiry
This term our whole school inquiry is ‘Paddock to Plate’. We want our students to understand that the nutrients in the air and earth are the same nutrients we eat in our food, and to understand the process that food goes through before we eat it. This week we start our ‘ignition’ phase. On Wednesday and Thursday we are going to visit Michael and Alex’s Nana and Grandad, Sarah and William, to make pizzas from scratch - from milling the flour, to sourcing ingredients that have been grown and produced locally within our Omihi whānau. Then on Friday to the Black Estate vineyard and kitchen to find out how they produce, process and prepare their food and wine locally and organically. We will be transporting children on the school bus, so we don’t need transport help, but if you would like to come along, please let me know.

Pies Fundraiser
We offer the opportunity for our students to sell pies. The money each child makes will come directly off their camp fees or ski trip. It is an optional fundraiser. Pies are sold for $8 each and for every pie sold, you will receive $2.60 off your camp/ski trip. The order forms will go home in the next couple of weeks. Thanks to Jane for organising this.

Wheelie Wednesday
This term we invite students to have scooters and skateboards at school on Wednesdays. Paemoana will be using their scooters during Ako tahi time, so they can have them at school each day, but only use them in break times on Wednesdays.

Subway and Sushi
This is continuing this term. Thanks to Dave and Carl for picking these up for us. Sushi is odd weeks, starting this Wednesday and Subway is even weeks, starting next week.

Biking Club
We have biking club at Waipara on Monday 10th May at 4pm. There will be two groups. Mrs Vincent will be taking a shorter loop with the juniors and Mrs Lucas will be taking the longer track right to Black Estate and back. Please add your name and your child’s name to the doc if you would like to come. All parents welcome.

Community Notices

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (Te Kura) – The Correspondence School
Early Childhood Programme

Did you know that Te Kura provides a free early childhood programme in your home? Your 2 to 5 year old child may be eligible if:

  • you live more than 6kms from your nearest licensed early childhood centre; and

  • they attend a licensed early childhood centre for up to or less than 12 hours per week, or

  • they have high health needs, special educational needs or there are special family circumstances preventing attendance at a face to face early childhood centre.  

You will receive a personalised programme prepared by trained registered early childhood teachers based in Wellington. Teachers work in partnership with families, providing support through maintaining regular contact via free phone, email, online programmes and events held in regional areas. The programme includes termly packs of learning materials for your child, online resources for parents and whānau which contain information on children’s development and ideas for activities using resources from your own environment.

For further information please ask at your school office or call Te Kura on 0800 65 99 88 Ros extn 8753, Ann 8795 or visit our website

Kids Camp 2021.jpg

Resilient Hurunui presents Dylan Muggeridge " A Beef and Lamb
Perspective". Dylan is the Environment Policy Manager for Beef and Lamb
NZ based in Havelock North, Hawkes Bay. He is an advocate for the
interests of Beef and Lamb farmers, on climate change issues. Thursday
May 20th, Amberley School, Rewi Alley Room, Douglas Road, Amberley,
7.30p.m. $5 donation appreciated.

Omihi School Office