Monday, 31st May 2021

A great day on Mt Grey!

A great day on Mt Grey!

Kia Ora whānau

I hope you are all managing to stay dry out there. There has certainly been a lot of rain, and a lot more in North Canterbury last night. Please let us know if you need any further support from the school.

It was wonderful to see such a great turn out to the Drought Shout on Friday. A great initiative and so important to get our farmers off their farms and communicating with each other. Quite a turn of events after it with this weather!

Stay safe, and keep in touch if we can support your whānau in any way.

Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas

School Notices

Welcome to Niko Plaskett who is starting with us this week in Paemoana.

Principal Awards
Congratulations to the latest Principal Award winners....Zariah Bartlett and Emma Waldron.

Important dates
Tuesday 1st June - Year 8 going to National Young Leaders Day (no Omihi bus run)
Wednesday 2nd June - Year 1-8 cross country. All info here. Children to be picked up from school by 12.30pm.
Thursday 3rd June - Pie/pizza orders due in
Friday 4th June - Teacher only day
Monday 7th June - Queens bday - School closed
Tuesday 8th June - Preschooler morning, 9am - 10.30am
Friday 11th June - whole school watching Playhouse Theatre show Rumplestiltskin at Omihi Hall with Greta Valley School and Waipara School

Professional Leadership and Strategic Planning
This year I am part of a year long professional opportunity called Springboard Trust. It is a free resource for Principals and it has honestly been some of the best professional learning I have been a part of.

There are two focuses - professional leadership and strategic planning. I have a mentor from outside the education sector who has been amazing at challenging me, helping me to reflect deeper and to look at things with a different perspective. I had a 360 degree survey where our staff, BOT, some parents, my appraiser, leadership advisor and Principal mentor all filled out questions around my leadership. It was great to be able to reflect on my strengths and how I can further enhance those and also to look at areas where I can continue to grow.

The strategic planning module has been very timely for our kura. We were due to review our school vision and strategic plan ready for 2022, so the learning has really helped with the process of this. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in our vision review. It has come through strongly that our vision is still very relevant for us - Ako/Learn, Tipu/Grow, Puawai/Thrive. We have loved unpacking this with our tamariki, whānau and BOT.

Further info for Year 1-8 Cross Country from the organisers - Broomfield School
No dogs are permitted to be on the farm
There will be a coffee cart (We encourage the use of reusable cups and only buying drinks for your own child)
A portaloo will be on site
The weather for Wednesday is looking pretty good, and the farmer believes that the surface flooding from the rain will quickly dry up, so we are good to go on Wednesday.
* If postponed, we will notify you the night before the event.
Because of the wet, cars will have to park on the outside of the paddock. Signs will indicate where to park.

Virtual Mission
We are tracking well with our mission and are nearly in Bali! It hasn’t been great weather to get out and about, but hopefully over the next few days that will improve and we can keep adding on those kms. If you would like to join, please go to As the days get colder we might need more people on board to keep us tracking well!

Paid Union Meetings
There are paid union meetings coming up on the 29th June for Principals and 1st July for teachers. At this stage we don’t need to ask you to pick your children up early as we are managing it in house. If this changes, we will let you know.

Outside Learning Area
Stage two of our outside learning area and playground is creating shade over the sandpit, shade outside Tūpari and a new lunch area with shade. We will also be creating vegetable boxes and gardens around the new building, and on our wish list is a concrete table tennis table! We are starting to plan these now, and are hoping for them to be ready for term 4.

New sliding door
We have a new sliding door to be installed in the school house. We are looking for a contractor to employ to do this. Please let me know if you could help us out.

Community Notices

Compass FM Open Day
You’re invited to come along to your local radio station. It’s our Tenth Anniversary!! Local radio is as important today as it has ever been, so come along and see Compass FM in action.

Saturday 12th June 2021 10am – 12pm.
Gold coin BBQ on the day with funds raised going to charity.

Share a bite to eat and chat with Compass FM staff who have influenced our local radio station over the last decade. Compass FM is based in High Street Rangiora, between ANZ and the Lotto shop."

Resilient Hurunui

Resilient Hurunui Presents Dr Merf Merfield, on Thursday June 17th at 7.30p.m, at Amberley School, Douglas Road, Amberley.

Merf is the head of the BHU Future Farming Centre, which is dedicated to the extension of permanent and whole-system agricultures and horticultures. This presentation will give an overview of Regenerative Agriculture.

Omihi School Office