Monday 31st October, 2022

Kia ora koutou

Lily, Kaisa and Macy help on the BBQ at the trailride on Sunday.

This is our first official newsletter from Sally and myself. We are excited to be taking over the Acting Principal role and wish Maree, George and Delilah all the best of luck with the new arrival coming soon to their whānau. 

Saturday and Sunday were busy days for our school and community and we were very lucky to have such nice warm weather.  It was lovely to see many of our families and children at the Amberley show on Saturday and exciting to see the children’s artwork on display in the Pavilion. The trail ride on Sunday was a huge success and we are so grateful to everyone who contributed to making this happen. 

The next few weeks see our focus shift to athletics events and we are looking forward to our Senior Assembly on Friday of this week. It is a busy term and we really appreciate those who have given up their time to support our kura and your children. Have a great week and we look forward to seeing some of you at assembly.

Ngā mihi
Penny Vincent and Sally Mickleson
Acting Tumuaki/Principal

School Notices

Yamaha Omihi School Trail Ride
A big thanks to Todd McBreen, and James Blanchard from Precision Yamaha, for running the trail ride for us.  The course was stunning, and we had over 490 riders enjoy the day.  We know Todd, James and their crew put so much work into it.  Also thanks to Yamaha who sponsored the event and covered the cost of our insurance, medic and any other costs.  Thanks to Bayleys Canterbury for the use of their BBQ trailer. Thank you to our parent helpers who marshaled, set up, cooked the BBQ or took registrations on the day - Julie, Sofia, Tamar, Kurt, Emma, Anna.S, Anna.R, Jeremy, Owen, Patrick, Craig, Dave.I, Mette and our students that helped.  We couldn’t have done it without you!  

Thank you to the medical team who were there yesterday and a special mention also to James Blanchard’s parents who helped with safety checking riders at the gate.

A special thank you to the landowners for opening up your farms for us.  Thanks to the McBreens, Littles, Lowrys and Hamiltons. Thank you to Harris Meats who donated meat for our burgers.   You helped us raise over $30,000 for our school!

We are officially a Bronze Enviroschool!!! We are so proud of our Enviro Leaders and students. They have put so much mahi into us receiving this recognition. Miss Mickleson and our Enviro Leaders will be attending a formal celebration on the 25th of November where they will be awarded with a certificate, followed by an afternoon tea. 

Gumboot Friday
This Friday, 4th November is Gumboot Friday, where funds are raised to provide tamariki with free counseling. Children are encouraged to wear their gumboots with their uniform, and to bring a gold coin donation.

Year 1-3 will be participating at Waikari School on Tuesday 1st November. Year 4-8 will be participating at Waipara School Tuesday 8th November. The school bus will be leaving school at 9am to drop children off, and will pick up again at 2.30pm if you are not taking your child there directly. We welcome parents to come and watch.

Beach Ed
The whole school will be going to Waikuku Beach on Wednesday 7th December.  Please let Georgie know if you can be a parent helper on the day and if you can help with transport.

School Pool Key
If you would like to purchase a pool key, please email Bryleigh -  It is $50 for school families and $70 for community members.  This includes a $20 refundable bond when you return the key.

Dates this term:
Year 5-8 Assembly/Gumboot Friday - Friday 4th November
Teacher only day - Thursday 10th November
Year 4-8 Kowai Athletics (for those who qualify) - Monday 14th November, 4pm
Year 0-4 Assembly - Friday 2nd December, 2pm
Last day of technology for Year 7/8 - Monday 5th December
Life Education - Thursday 8th December
Year 6-8 visit to ARA for a Careers day - Friday 9th December
Prize giving and whānau picnic - Wednesday 14th December

Community Notices

Reeces Road CCTV

Todd McBreen is getting a quote for a community CCTV camera for the corner of Reeces Road to help keep our community safe. If you would like more information about this, please get in touch with Todd.

Omihi School Office