Monday 12th December, 2022

Kia ora koutou

Year 8s

Our Year 8s, Christian and Acacia.

Here we are at the end of the year! It has been a busy last few weeks of the term and we are looking forward to spending the next two days celebrating with some Christmas activities and water fun. A big thank you to our wonderful Year 8 leaders, Christian and Acacia, for organising our Fun Day tomorrow. A reminder that they will be selling bags of chips and popcorn for $1 at morning tea tomorrow.

I want to wish the children and whānau that are leaving us this year all the best with the next steps on their journey. We have loved having you as part of our school and hope to see you again soon.

Next year we are really looking forward to welcoming Hugh and Ruby-Grace to our kura. 

Thank you to you all for your continued support this year. Have a happy, safe and relaxing summer break and I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

Have a wonderful week everyone.

Ngā mihi
Penny Vincent and Sally Mickleson
Acting Tumuaki/Principal

School Notices

Staffing for 2023
Last week, we regretfully accepted a resignation letter from Sally. She will be leaving us at the end of Term 2 next year. She has been a truly valuable member of our whānau and we wish her all the best for her next steps.

Prize Giving and Whānau Hui
Our final day of school is this Wednesday 14th December. Our end of year prize giving will run from 11:00-12:00 followed by a whānau picnic from 12:00-1:00. Please bring a picnic rug and some food to share with your family. We are looking forward to seeing you all there.

2023 Stationery List

Here is the link to Office Max to place your stationery order for next year. Stationery orders must be placed before the 13th of January to arrive in time for the start of the school term.

Key 2023 Dates

Our first day back for 2023 is Wednesday 1st February. We have Teacher Only Days on Friday 10th March and Monday 24th April. Please add these to your calendar.

Report Comments

The teachers will be publishing General Comments and an Arts (Music) Comment on Hero for the children this week. Please keep an eye out for these.

2023 Camp
Last week Miss Mickleson and Miss Smith headed into Christchurch to begin planning our city based camp. The cost of camp is likely to be around $200. We will confirm this as soon as possible once we have finalised all of our costs.

Who to contact over the school holidays?

If you need to contact someone from school over the holidays, please send an email. Staff will not be replying to emails over the Christmas and New Year period, however will attend to emails when available after that. Sally and Penny will be checking the Principal emails as well. 

2023 Trail Ride

Planning is already underway for our 2023 Trail Ride! We are all booked in for Saturday November 4th (postponement date Sunday 5th November). This is set to be an even bigger and better event next year so please read the information flyer at the bottom of this newsletter and mark it on your calendars. 

Omihi Pool Party

Please see the flyer below for information on the Hurunui Council Omihi Pool Party for 2023. This is a fun event and we would love to see some of our families there. 

A reminder that if you would like to purchase a pool key, please email Bryleigh before the end of term -  It is $50 for school families and $70 for community members.  This includes a $20 refundable bond when you return the key.

Beach Ed
A huge thank you to all the parents who helped out on Beach Ed Day last week. We really appreciate your support. 

Dates this term
Prize giving and whānau picnic - Wednesday 14th December


Community Notices

Yamaha Omihi School trail ride 2023
Community Dental Service
Summer reading challenges
Omihi School Office