Monday 21st March, 2022

Kia ora koutou

We’ve had a different two weeks at school with some staff members away, but it is so great to see the resilience in our students and how adaptable they have been. We have tried to keep things as normal as possible for them. A big thanks to Elizabeth Maddren for relieving for 2 weeks for us.

I have really enjoyed being in the classes and seeing the progress in our ‘Energy’ science inquiry this term. We look forward to sharing progress on this in the coming weeks.

I would like to say thanks to one of our Dads - Carl, for coming in and fixing our hammock, the front gate and putting some health and safety signs up for us. It is so hard in rural areas to get tradespeople to come and do minor jobs, so it’s wonderful to have a supportive community that help get these jobs done.

Finally thanks to Anna Williams who is our new Parent Liaison. Anna will get in touch with new families during their first term at school to ensure everything is going ok and see if they have any questions.

Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas

School Notices

Principal Awards
The latest principal awards went to…..Jack.S and Michael. I look forward to taking them to Fossil Point for a hot chocolate.

Character Strengths
Lily (Year 6) - My character strengths are bravery, love and gratitude. Bravery helps me be brave and to try new things - like when we are at camp. Love helps me to be kind and considerate to others about their feelings. Gratitude helps me to be grateful for what I have and how lucky we are. We have a good school, and good friends.

Swimming Pool
The swimming pool is still open. We are still having some warm afternoons, so please encourage children to bring their togs and we will swim if it is warm enough.

We have been given literally thousands of masks from the Ministry. If you would like some for your family, please let me know and I will send a box home with your child.

Mufti Day for Big Brothers, Big Sisters, North Canterbury
This is on Friday 8th April. We ask children to bring a gold coin donation and to dress up as someone they look up to - could be a sportsperson, coach, teacher, parent, community hero, superhero…..the possibilities are endless!

Bus Parking
When parking outside the school gate before and after school, please ensure there is enough room for the school bus to pick up and drop off children.

Sushi and Subway
A reminder that you can order sushi and subway at Thanks to Dave and Carl who are picking these up for us. It is sushi this week.

William Pike Challenge
As part of our William Pike Challenge, Tūpari will be going to Amberley Beach on Tuesday 29th March for a beach clean up. We will use the school bus for transport.

School Docs Policies
Each term we review some of our school policies. These are reviewed by staff, BOT and our community. Here are our latest policies that you are able to review:

Please review the following by clicking on this link:
Username: omihi Password: glenmark

  • Health, Safety, and Welfare section

  • Emergency, Disaster, and Crisis Management section

Community Notices

The Hurunui Council’s latest Waste and Recycling newsletter is available now.

Omihi School Office