Monday 2nd May, 2022

Kia ora e te whānau

Fergus and Michael playing in the leaves!

It’s lovely to be back after a relaxing break. We are excited to see your tamariki again today and hear about their holidays. It was so nice to see a number of our past and present students at the Omihi ANZAC service. We have always been away that weekend, so it was a first for Delilah and I. What a special event to be a part of.

I’m not sure about you, but a lot of my holidays was spent vacuuming up cluster flies! As much as I loved the warm weather, I am looking forward to it cooling down so we can finally get rid of these pesky flies. I know Sharryn feels the same about them at school as well!

Our school was hit hard with Covid at the end of last term. A reminder to please continue to monitor children for symptoms and illness, and please keep them home if they are unwell. I have heard from two Principals today to say they have students that have tested positive for the second time.

Ngā mihi

Maree Lucas

School Notices

Character Strengths
Eva (Year 6) -
My top 3 character strengths are Love, Humour and Creativity. Love helps me to make friends and see other people’s perspectives. Humour helps me to help interact with my friends and be funny. Creativity helps me with all of my learning, especially art, and to try new things.

Whole School Inquiry this term
Our whole school inquiry this term is called ‘Ocean Explorers’ - a chance to understand the importance of our oceans. This will have a social science and literacy focus, along with visual arts.

Raffle Tickets
Please send your raffle tickets and money back by Friday 13th May. Thank you for all of your support with this fundraiser.

Overdue Accounts
We have been going through our overdue invoices recently with our accountants and we have a very high number of invoices from term 1, and some from 2021 that are yet to be paid. If you would like more time or need assistance when paying these, please can you let myself or Bryleigh know. If you are unsure whether you have any invoices outstanding, please contact Bryleigh directly -

Year 5-8 Camp
We are currently confirming details for our camp from the 14th - 16th September in Hanmer Springs. As we have a number of new children, we are needing to confirm numbers, so then we can work out the costs. If your child is not going on camp, can you please let me know asap. Sally will be sending out requests for parent helpers in the first half of this term and we will send invoices by the middle of the term.

National Young Leaders Day - Year 6-8
A reminder to please let me know by Wednesday if you would like your child to go to National Young Leaders Day on Thursday 2nd June. As part of our leadership programme we pay for our Year 8’s to attend, and it is optional for the year 6-7 students. For those students the cost is $45.

Pizzas and Pies
Each year we offer a fundraiser of selling pies and pizzas to help cover the cost of school camp and our ski trips. This is optional, and all money raised goes directly off your child’s cost. We need one parent to take lead of this and organise the orders, then give the food out when it arrives. If you would be happy to do this, please let me know -

Mufti Day - Friday 6th May
We have a mufti day this Friday. The senior leaders have chosen Ronald McDonald House as our charity, so all gold coin donations will be given to them.

Year 7/8 Technology at Hurunui College
This starts next Monday 9th May. Children will be picked up by the bus at 9am, and will be dropped back at school at 1pm.

We are excited to start our assemblies again this term. We have our Year 5-8 assembly on Friday 13th May. We are having this at 1pm either outside or in the Omihi Hall, and then invite families to stay for a whānau picnic at 1.30pm. We welcome our Year 0-4 parents and families to this as well. It would be really nice to reconnect again. The picnic will be outside and families are to please bring their own picnic. The Year 0-4 assembly will be on the last day of term. We are looking forward to sharing a whole school dance at this one!

Whole School Cross Country
This is on Tuesday 31st May and we run against Broomfield and Waipara School. Parents are welcome to come and watch, and children go home after the races. Please organise someone else to give your child a ride home if you are not able to be there. Usually the Omihi bus doesn’t run after school as all children are picked up, but please let me know if you need it to. We need help with transport to get children to the course on Baxters Rd, so please let me know if you are able to help transport. We need to be there at 12pm. All the information is here.

Dates this term
We have a number of events happening this term. Please keep an eye on the calendar on our website for dates. These trips will be on the school bus, unless we ask for extra parent transport. Please send car seats for the trips where needed.

Wed 4th May - Whole school walk to the cow statues, across the road from school
Fri 6th May - Mufti Day for Ronald McDonald House
Tues 10th May - Awaawa to visit Amberley Library
Fri 13th May - Year 5-8 Assembly and Whole School Whānau picnic
Tues 17th May - Paemoana to visit Amberley Library
Tues 31st May - Whole school cross country with Broomfield and Waipara
Thurs 2nd June - Year 6-8 National Young Leaders Day
Fri 3rd June - Teacher only day
Mon 6th June - Queen’s Birthday
Tues 7th June - Kowai Cross Country
Wed 8th June - Whole school trip to Gore Bay (we will need parent transport for this)
Wed 22nd June - Pre schooler morning
Fri 24th June - Matariki public holiday
Thurs 30th June - Playhouse Theatre - Emperors New Clothes at the Omihi Hall
Fri 8th July - Year 0-4 Assembly

Maree Lucas