Monday 25th July, 2022

Kia ora koutou

I feel so grateful to be in a profession where every 10 weeks we are able to have a break. Even though teachers and myself still work through some of the holidays, we encourage our staff to take time out and have a good break so they come back refreshed. These holidays my family went to Rarotonga, and what a treat it was to have some sunshine, warmth and relaxation. Delilah especially loved playing with all the dogs she met along the way.

Logan, Fergus, Andy and Hamish happy to see each other again after the holidays.

It was lovely to see all of our tamariki again this morning, and hear about their holiday stories - whether they enjoyed family time, played some new games or went away somewhere. They also seem refreshed, and we hope to continue to keep the winter bugs away from school. Thank you for your support in asking students to wear masks while indoors.

We look forward to seeing you this term at our assemblies, movie night, ski trips, camp, 3 way learning conferences, preschooler morning, or just popping into the classes to say hello.

Ngā mihi

Maree Lucas

School Notices

Strategic Initiative Update
Positive Education - Sally Mickleson
Our school first endeavoured on our Positive Education journey in 2019. Since then, Maree and I have attended Positive Education conferences, engaged in professional development courses and facilitated discussion groups in this domain at our school, and across our kāhui ako. As a school, this year we have further progressed our Pos Ed journey by implementing the Positive Education Enhanced Curriculum created by Geelong Grammar School (Melbourne) into our kura. 

So what is Positive Education? 
Geelong Grammar School defines Pos Ed as;  “Positive Education brings together the science of positive psychology with best-practice teaching and learning to encourage and support schools and individuals within their communities to flourish.”  And  “Positive Education teaches skills and knowledge to help prevent illbeing and promote wellbeing within the context of living a good life.” (Geelong Grammar School, 2022) 

Every Friday our tamariki engage in explicit Positive Education lessons. It has been wonderful to see our tamariki soaking up the key messages in these lessons, and applying the skills and virtues they have learned into their daily school lives.

Principal Awards
Congratulations to our latest Principal Award Winners……Fergus and Andy!

Yamaha Omihi School Trailride
We are excited to announce that we have a new major fundraiser this year - the Yamaha Omihi School Trailride. It is on Sunday 30th October on a number of farms at the end of Reeces Road. Thanks to Todd McBreen and James Blanchard who will be running the event on the day, and to Yamaha for sponsoring this event. Nearer the time we will be asking for volunteers to run the BBQ on the day, and to help with the registration. We need one person to lead the organisation of the BBQ. If you are happy to do this, please let me know. Tickets will go online on the 1st September. Please help us to spread the word!

Movie Night
The Year 8’s are organising a movie night on Friday 5th August at 6pm. There will be a movie for Year 0-4 in Paemoana and one for Year 5-8 in Awaawa. Children are asked to bring their own water bottle, an empty coffee cup (for the popcorn) and there will be popcorn and corn chips to purchase for $1 each. We ask parents to please bring a plate to share with adults and we will meet in Tūpari. A 30min update on our strategic plan first, then a chance to catch up with each other. Parents and children Year 4 and up - we ask that you please wear a mask.

Year 5-8 Camp (14-16 September)
Camp invoices were sent out at the end of last term. Please can these be paid prior to us going on camp. Feel free to come and talk to me if you would like to look at payment options or need some support.

Ski trips (17th and 24th August)
The ski trip forms will be going home this week. As it is parent’s responsibility to take your own children up to the ski field, you are very welcome to bring your whole whānau with you - preschoolers and children who attend other schools. It’s a great family day out!

Sexuality Education
Here is a link to the parent’s guide so you can see the lessons that each year group will be doing over the next few weeks and can continue conversations at home. Paemoana will follow the Year 1-2 guide, Awaawa will follow Year 3-4, and Tūpari will follow Year 5/6. Sally will be in touch with the Year 7/8 parents regarding their content. Please feel free to touch base with your child’s teacher to find out more.

Omihi Library
We are so lucky to have our Omihi Library linked with the Hurunui Library. This means that you can order books online at Hurunui to pick up at Omihi, and issue and return books in both libraries. Our librarian, Yo Turnball, is here every Monday from 2.30pm and we welcome parents and our community to come in from 3pm-3.30pm if you would like to get books out. We have an adults section, and some great books for preschoolers.

Thank you
A big thank you to Jan and Mark, our posties, who continue to deliver our newsletter for us!

Other dates for term 3:
Whole school - speeches/poetry - week 1-3
Year 3-8 ASB Getwise Financial literacy workshops - Tuesday 9th August
Year 5-8 Cantamaths teams go to Ohoka - Wednesday 10th August
Year 5-8 Assembly - Friday 19th August, 2pm
3 Way Learning Conferences - 29/30th August
Preschooler morning - Wednesday 31st August, 9-10.30am
Year 5-8 Top Team Challenge at Amberley Domain - Wednesday 7th September
Life Education - Tuesday 20th September
Year 0-4 Assembly - Friday 23rd September, 2pm

2022 School Board Parent Elections (all info on the newsletter section of our website)
Nominations are open for the election of four parent representatives to the school board. Your nomination form has been emailed to you, or please contact Bryleigh, the returning officer, if you wish to get a copy - You can use this form to nominate yourself or someone else in your community.

Nominating yourself or someone else - If you are on the voting roll and eligible to vote, you can nominate yourself. Please remember to sign both parts of the form. If you are nominating someone else, complete the nomination form and make sure it includes all the required contact details and signatures. You can post, hand deliver or email your nomination form/s to the returning officer: Bryleigh Kingston-Rodgers, Omihi School, 990 Omihi Road, RD3, Amberley 7483, Nominations close at noon on 3 August 2022.

Community Notices

Adding to the toolbox - a lunch and workshop for Hurunui's rural women 11 August
Come and try BMX
Girl's Got Game Basketball after school program
Omihi School Office