Monday 19th September, 2022

Year 5-8 camp at Hanmer Springs

Kia ora koutou

Firstly a huge thank you to Sally and Georgie for organising such a wonderful camp last week, and thanks to Sally, Penny, Sarah, Todd and Aaron who went on the camp. It was so great to see and hear about our tamariki pushing themselves out of their comfort zone, and trying new things.

I was at the NZ Principal’s Federation Conference in Christchurch last week, and one of the keynote speakers was Kaila Colbin. She does a lot of work with Brene Brown, who is one of my role models and I have read and listened to a lot of her work.

One of her main messages was around courage, and what the skill sets are of courage. She talked about us, as leaders, modelling courage - to get out of our comfort zones, show vulnerability, and take away the ‘armour’. And to encourage this in our teams, in our students. So it was inspiring to see our students going on camp and trying new things. For some, it might be the first time they stayed away from home, or the first time they have rock climbed, or simply being independent for three days without their family around. We are proud of them all, their courage and bravery looks different for each child.

Ngā mihi

Maree Lucas

School Notices

Character Strengths
Ava (Year 5) -
My top 3 character strengths are love, gratitude and kindness. Love and kindness helped me on camp to play and talk with my friends. Gratitude helped me to be thankful to my teachers who organised camp and made it fun.

Out of Zone Enrolments for 2023
Please see below our ad for our out of zone enrolments. If you would like to enrol for 2023, and are not currently in zone, please email me by the 23rd September with your application. Enrolment forms are on our website, or you can email Bryleigh at

Online Auction
Here is a link to our online auction on our Facebook page. This is one of our major fundraisers of the year. Please have a look, feel free to bid, like and share around. It’s also pinned to the top of our school Facebook page. It finishes on Tuesday 20th September at 8pm.

Trailride Volunteers
We still need a few more volunteers. Please add your name if you are able to help. We have some A3 posters to advertise the race, if you have anywhere that these could go, or would be happy to put some up in the community, please let me know.

School Cleaner
We would like to thank Sharryn for her wonderful work as our cleaner for the past two years. We have loved having her as part of our team. Sadly for us, Sharryn has handed in her resignation. If you have preschoolers at Bloomfields, you may see her there! So we are now looking for a cleaner for our school, which is approximately 8.5 hours per week. This could also go alongside the Omihi Hall cleaning position. If you are interested please email me with your interest and any experience you have to by Friday 23rd September.

No Omihi Bus
Due to our Kapahaka Festival, there is no Omihi bus on the afternoon of Thursday 22nd September. At this stage there may be no Omihi bus on Wednesday afternoon, due to having no bus drivers, but we will confirm tomorrow.

Prize Giving Cups
If you received a cup at prize giving last year, can you please return it by the end of this term.

School Photos - new date and sibling portraits
School photos have been moved to this Wednesday 21st September at 9am.

If you would like a sibling portrait to be taken, please complete this form before 8.00am this Wednesday. Sibling photos will only be taken for those who have completed the form.

Kapahaka Festival
We look forward to seeing you at our kapahaka festival this Thursday. If you purchased tickets, these will be sent home in the next day or two. These are likely to be door sales - cash only.

William Pike
Tūpari will be travelling by bus to Loburn School this Friday to listen to William Pike. They will leave school at 9am, and return by 1.30pm.

Year 0-4 Assembly
We invite you to our year 0-4 assembly this Friday at 2pm, in Kahiwi.

Grandparents Day
We look forward to seeing our grandparents on Wednesday 28th September from 9.00-10.30am. A reminder for families to please send along a small plate to share.

Year 8 Day out
Our Year 8’s are looking forward to going to Christchurch for their Year 8 day out on Tuesday 27th September. They will be picked up and dropped off in Amberley.

Pet Day
Our pet day is on Wednesday 19th October. Please fill out this form by Friday 23rd September, to tell us what your child/children will be bringing.

Community Dental Service

One of the Community Dental Service vans will be at school on Thursday 20th October. Only the children who currently require a check up will be seen at this time. Please see more information from the Community Dental Service regarding this visit in the notices below.

Community Notices

Last Saturdays at Brew Moon - $5 entry fee (free for kids), with 100% of ticket sales going to the Waikuku Beach Surf Lifesaving Club.

Miscarriage Matters fun run

Tiddlywinks Theatre children’s drama course
Balcairn Public Hall Soc Inc is excited to invite local children from 10 to 13 years to join in a children’s drama course to be held at the hall in the October School holidays. This workshop is firstly about having fun with drama!

The course will consist of three afternoons of 2 hours each from 1.00pm to 3.00pm on Thursday 6th, Friday 7th and Saturday 8th October with a presentation for parents on the third day. There is a nominal charge of $5.00 for the whole course. It will cover a range of aspects to develop confidence, imagination, teamwork and an insight into the fun of doing drama! We will be covering a range of drama games / improvisation / mime / creating scenes / rhythm / voice, etc.

Mrs Dinie Bevers and her husband, Wim Bevers will lead the course. They have both had extensive experience in children’s drama over many years and are highly qualified. Dinie is a Speech & Drama teacher and a National Examiner for Speech New Zealand, with many years of experience. We are privileged to be able to offer a coach of such high calibre.

Numbers are limited to 30, so book early to secure a place. If this inaugural course proves popular, further courses for differing age groups are planned for the future.

All welcome / no experience is necessary. More information and enrolment forms are available via Deb Vink. Please email

Omihi School Office