Monday 13th February, 2023

Our Year 8 leader, Macy.

Kia ora e te whānau,

It was so nice to see many of you at our whānau picnic last week. We have had a great start to the term here at school. We have had Waiswim here last week and I have been blown away with the progress our students are all making in the pool. The swimming instructors will be with us for the rest of this week and the teachers will continue swimming lessons in the weeks to come. Sue Graham will be working across all classes to support with differentiating maths at Omihi. Sue is an ex-principal of Omihi and an expert in all things maths. She has a lot of experience in working with schools and teachers and we always enjoy having her here.

I would like to introduce our year 8 leader this year, Macy.

A message from Macy: Hi i’m Macy, I am 12 years old and I’m the only year 8 student at Omihi this year so I’d like you all to know a bit about me. I have 1 brother, Leo. He is in year 5. I love to go horse riding, play netball, and do schoolwork which not many people like doing! In my spare time, I listen to a lot of music and go to the beach. I am really excited to go off to high school next year but I will definitely miss having a small amount of kids to fit in with! I am looking forward to seeing what new things our teachers bring into this school year and bonding with our new teacher. Thank you for reading.  

This term we welcome our new entrance students, Arty, Theo and Mabel to Paemoana. We also welcome Isla who will be in Awaawa. 

Ngā mihi
Sally Mickleson - Acting Tumuaki/Principal

School Notices

Omihi School Bus 

We are looking for someone to help share the load of our bus runs. Tracy and Fi are sharing this job at the moment and we would appreciate it if anyone is able to help out with this, particularly in the afternoons. A class 2 drivers licence and passenger licence is essential, however if you do not meet this criteria and are keen to help, please contact Sally.

Teacher Only Days

Significant changes are occurring to strengthen our schooling curriculum and assessment systems. To support these changes, the Ministry confirms four additional teacher only days are available for primary and secondary schools - two in 2023 and two in 2024.

We have 4 teacher only days planned into our calendar this year.  Our school is open for the same amount of days as all other primary schools as is required by the Ministry of Education.

We like to give our community plenty of notice so you are able to plan for these. Please see below for our teacher only dates this year.

  • Term 1: Friday 10th March 

  • Term 2: Monday 24th April 

  • Term 3: Date tbc 

  • Term 4: Thursday 16th November

Small Schools Swimming Sports 

A reminder to please add your child’s name to our transport doc if they require a seat on our bus either to or from the event. Tracy will be driving the school bus, leaving school at 8.50am and then driving back at 12.30pm. A big thank you to Sofia, Aimee and Pip for offering to help out on the day.

Please see this link for information about how the event will run.

Kowai Triathlon

On Tuesday 21st February (postponement date Wednesday 22nd February) our Year 5-8 children will be attending the Kowai triathlon. This will be held at the Amberley Domain/Amberley Pool. Parents will need to arrange for their child and bike to be transported to the domain. Children will need to be at the Domain by 12.30pm for a briefing and races will begin at 1pm.

Please let Penny know if you are having difficulty with transport or your child does not have a bike. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that your child has transport for themselves and their bike organised on the day.

We welcome whānau to come and support our tamariki on the day. Parents can take their child(ren) home after the race but please let a teacher know first.

We are looking for one parent to help marshal on the day. Please let Penny know if you are able to do this. 

Camp (Year 5-8) 

Bryleigh will be invoicing parents for camp this week, The cost will be $250. We understand that this is a significant cost for many families so please contact Sally if you would like some support around payment options.

A reminder, if you are interested in coming on camp as a parent help, please fill out this Google form before Friday 16th February. 

Omihi Raffle

One of our major fundraisers is our Omihi Raffle. The fundraising money helps us to employ an extra teacher so we can have three classrooms. We are starting to collect prizes for the raffle now, and we ask each family to please donate an item.  Minimum value $10. We are happy to take items, or vouchers, and can bundle them together where needed.  Please send these into the office by Monday 6th March

Each child is then asked to sell 20 x $5 tickets. We will be sending these home before the holidays, and we encourage children to take ownership of selling the tickets as much as possible. They could call or visit family, grandparents, aunties, uncles, neighbours, friends. Feel free to come back to me with any questions.

3 way learning conferences

Our 3 way learning conferences will be held in week 8 on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd March. This is an opportunity for parents to share in their child’s learning, set goals and have a general chat with their child's classroom teacher. Please use this doc to make a booking with your child’s teacher.

Lunches Online

This week it is Subway. Please use this link to place an order.

Key dates

Friday 24th February - Junior assembly 
Wednesday 1st March - Small Schools Swimming Sports 
Monday 6th March - Kowai Swimming Sports 
Friday 10th March - Teacher only day 
Friday 17th March - Senior assembly 
Monday 24th April - Teacher only day (first day of term 2)
Tuesday 21st - Wednesday 22nd March - 3 way learning conferences

Community Notices

Hurunui Rangers Football Club open day
Omihi School Office