Monday 22nd May, 2023

Kia ora koutou

The last few weeks have seen such a great vibe at school. It is hard to believe that this week marks the half-way mark through the term! We are really starting to get our teeth stuck into our production practices now. We will be spending a lot of our afternoons over at the hall beginning to block out scenes.

Tickets will be on sale soon, so please keep an eye out for this. There will be limited numbers. It has been really special to watch each and every child shine in some aspect of the production. We cannot wait to share it with you!

Ngā mihi
Penny Vincent
Acting Principal/Tumuaki

School Notices

Update on our Strategic Initiative from Georgie: (Implement a Culturally Responsive Programme)
Culturally responsive teachers are people who are potential-focused and view diversity as an advantage. Here at Omihi we love having our whānau come in and share their knowledge with our students and community. A resource that we have started to implement to further develop our cultural responsiveness is Niho Taniwha. This is a document written by Melanie Riwai-Couch, who has worked for over two decades in the education sector as a teacher and tumuaki. We are using this resource, alongside The Hikairo Schema, to provide us with an in-depth understanding of effective partnerships under Te Tiriti o Waitangi, issues of sovereignty for iwi, and how to help whānau find and use their voices in education. We look forward to sharing more with you as we go on this journey together.

Omihi School Raffle
Congratulations to our prize winners of our Omihi School raffle! You helped us raise nearly $3000 for our kura.

Please pick up your prize from our office, or email Bryleigh to get it posted to you where possible -

Year 0-4 Assembly
We welcome all of our families to our junior assembly on Friday 26th May at 2pm.

Touch Game
We have a touch game against Greta Valley school on Wednesday 31st May at Omihi. It runs from 11am-12pm, and we invite parents to come along and watch. There will be a Year 4-8 game and a Year 1-3 game. We are still looking for refs for each game. Please let Penny know if you can help.

Year 1-8 Cross Country - Tuesday 6th June, Postponement: Thursday 8th June
Our whole school participates in the Small School Cross Country with Broomfield and Waipara School. Broomfield School organise this and this year there is a new location - where Onepunga meets Holleth Hills Road (about 2.5 km from Broomfield School). There will be lots of signage. No Dogs are permitted to be on this property. Year 4-8 children that qualify will then go onto the Kowai Cross Country on the 13th June at the same place. All info, including maps is here. Broomfield will be having a walk through of the location on Friday 2nd June if anybody would like to take their child for that. Please meet at the location at 10.30am.

We ask that you pick your child up from school by 11.30am on the 6th to go to the cross country. Further times are below. We also need one parent to be a marshal. Please let Penny know if you can help. You could share it with another parent to ensure you see your child race.

12.15 pm - Marshal Briefing 
12.20 pm - Students & Parent Briefing
12.30 pm - Races start (Year 1 is the first race, through to the Year 8’s)

King’s birthday weekend
A reminder it is a public holiday on Monday 5th June, so school will be closed.

Community Notices

We’ve got a couple of new additions to our library, Big Wooly Mammoth and Old T-Rex, written and self-published by retired teacher Geoff Gudsell from Nelson. These are great books with beautiful illustrations, and are particularly loved by children aged 3-10.

If you are interested in buying a copy of each of these books for the little ones in your life, please email He has a special offer of $52.00 for both books delivered ($54.00 to rural addresses).

Omihi School Office