Monday 17th July, 2023

Kia ora koutou

Welcome to Delia, who has joined our Tūpari class, and Arlo, who has joined Awaawa. We are excited to have you join our Omihi whānau. Also a warm welcome to Judah who will be joining Paemoana.

Michael, Arlo, Mrs Lucas, Delia, Liza and Vuk

Welcome to Elizabeth Maddren who is joining us for 5 weeks while Georgie is overseas. Elizabeth is one of our regular relievers, so it’s lovely to have her join us full time for the first half of the term. She knows our tamariki very well.

It’s nice to be back after 9 months of maternity leave, and I look forward to catching up with you at drop offs or pick ups. We had some lovely family time away in our caravan. Delilah and Ada did very well adjusting to life on the road.

This term I start the Lead Principal role for our Tipu Māia kāhui ako. This will be a new learning curve and challenge for me as a leader, and I will work it throughout the week at Omihi. There are times when I will need to be out of school, but as Penny is also an Across School Lead in our kāhui, we will aim to have a lot of our meetings at Omihi. This is also a great opportunity for our school. It means we gain extra staffing, which helps us to continue with our 3 classes.

Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas

School Notices

Principal award winners
Congratulations to Zac, Leo, Thomas and Logan who received Principal awards in term 2. They get to go to Fossil Point for a hot chocolate to celebrate.

Trail ride
Our Yamaha Omihi School Trail ride is on Saturday 4th November (postponement 5th November). This is our major fundraiser of the year, which helps us to keep 3 classes, so we need as many families as possible on board to help us. Please put that in your diary and we will be in touch nearer the time with jobs to sign up for.

Ski free days
A reminder that our ‘ski free days’ are Friday 28th July and Friday 4th August. You are welcome to take your children skiing on these days and they won’t be recorded as absent.

Closing gate
A reminder that for health and safety reasons we have the school gates closed at all times. When you are coming through the school gates, can you please make sure the gate closes behind you.

North Canterbury Kapa Haka Celebration - Thursday 17th August
Please see below for information about the upcoming North Canterbury Kapa Haka Festival. We are performing in the afternoon, and need to be at Ohoka School by 12.15pm. Tickets are available via our school office. Please email Bryleigh at to order by the 4th August.

Dates for this term:
28th July & 4th August - Ski free days
17th August - Kapahaka Festival
18th August - Senior assembly
4th & 5th September - 3 Way Learning Conferences
5th September - Tūpari visit to Bloomfields Preschool and library
6th September - Preschooler morning and Year 5-8 Top Team Challenge
12th September - Life Education
15th September - Junior assembly
20th September - Grandparents Day

Community Notices

House wanted
A school family is after a house in the local area. If you have anything for rent, please contact Melanie on 027 418 4740.

Pharmacies minor health condition service
This winter, between Monday 12 June and Saturday 30 September, participating community pharmacies in Canterbury will provide a Minor Health Conditions Service for children aged under 14 years, Māori and Pacific people, and community service card holders.

The service allows pharmacists to have a clinical consultation and provide advice as well as medication for a select set of minor ailments at no cost to the patient.

It also includes whānau members with similar symptoms. For example, if the pharmacist determines your child needs treatment for scabies and they have older brothers or sisters, or you yourself also have symptoms, they may provide advice and medication for all of you.

The following health conditions are included in the Minor Health Conditions Service:

  • Acute diarrhoea, Dehydration, Eye inflammation and infections, Scabies, Headlice, Pain and fever, Eczema/Dermatitis, Minor skin infections

If your condition needs further support, the pharmacist can tell you the best place to go for your condition to get further help.

Google Family Link app
Google Family Link is a free app that enables parents to set restrictions such as Wi-Fi and time limits on their child's phone usage. It's a useful tool for managing and monitoring your child's phone activities. You can download it to Apple or Android devices.

Maree Lucas