Tuesday 29th October, 2024

Fergus and Arlo working collaboratively.

Kia ora koutou,

This is a term where we have a lot of events going on. We love having our whānau coming into school, and supporting us at these events. Thank you for being a part of these events, as we know how busy everyone is.

Our students have been working hard on their beautiful artwork throughout the year. You will be able to see some of these, and their poems/handwriting at the Amberley Show in the Tin shed this weekend. The teachers have helped them create some real master pieces!

We are excited for Pet Day tomorrow. It’s always a highlight! This year we have a range of animals, from dogs, horses, calves, to chickens, goats and a centipede! Pets arrive from 12pm, we welcome all of the community to come down and have a look.

Ngā mihi

Maree Lucas

School Notices

We welcome you to our assembly on Thursday 28th November at 2pm. Straight after the assembly at 2.30pm, we would like to introduce our BOT and have a quick chat with parents regarding our fundraisers. We would love you to stick around for 10min if possible.

Each year we have two fundraisers - our trail ride and our raffle. We purposely don’t have lots of little fundraisers throughout the year, because we try and be time efficient. This year we have moved the raffle to term four, so we can try and sell some tickets at the trail ride, and at the Amberley A&P show. If you would like to sell tickets at the show, please let me know. This week, each child will be sent home a sheet of tickets to sell. We encourage you to get your children involved in selling these. The prizes will be listed on the back of the tickets, and tickets are $5 each. Please send back any unsold tickets. All money and unsold tickets to be back by Monday 25th November.

Thanks to everyone who has volunteered for the trail ride. I will email you in the week leading up to it with further details.

Year 4-8 Small Schools Athletics day
This will be held at Waipara School on Wednesday 6th November. It is an all day event, starting at 9.20am, so you can go straight there with your child. Please let Kelly know if your child is going straight there, or if they will be on the bus.

Omihi Library
A reminder that our library is open to the community. We have a great selection of adult books, as well as preschooler books. Plus, our wonderful librarian Yo, is always happy to bring requests from the Amberley Library. If the teachers or Yo aren’t in there, you can just write your name and book down and we will issue it for you.

Year 0-3 Sports Spectacular
All Year 0-3 children will be going to Amberley Domain for the Sports Spectacular on Wednesday 20th November. We will need 3-4 parents to be there with us, and one to be a volunteer. Plus we will need a couple of cars for transport, and we’ll be taking the bus. Please email Penny if you are able to help with this.

Tough Kids Challenge
On Wednesday 4th December, Tūpari will be participating in the Tough Kid Challenge in Christchurch. We will transport them there on the school bus.

Transition Days
In the last few weeks of term we will be having one transition day a week, where our Year 2 students spend the day in Awaawa, and our Year 5 students spend the day in Tūpari. This will give them the opportunity to start getting ready for 2025. These days are noted on the school calendar.

Year 5-8 Camp
Our camp for 2025 is at Living Springs from Monday 31st March - Wednesday 2nd April. If you would like to be a parent helper, please fill out this form by Monday 4th November. We will confirm parent helpers by the end of this term.

Teacher Only Day
Please note we have a teacher only day on Thursday 14th November.

Gumboot Friday
On Friday 1st November it is Gumboot Friday. Children can wear their own clothes and their gumboots. Please send along a gold coin donation to help fund free counselling for kids.

Non-Uniform Day
We have a non-uniform day on Friday 22nd November. Please send a gold coin donation, which will go to Big Brothers, Big Sisters, North Canterbury. This is a charity that the student leaders have chosen.

School Docs policies to review
We work on a 3 year cycle, and each term we review a number of our policies. These are open for review from our community as well. Please review the following by clicking on this link: http://omihi.schooldocs.co.nz. Username: omihi Password: glenmark

  • School Donations and Student Activity Payments /
    Attendance Dues and Other Income

  • Expenditure

  • Property Planning and Maintenance

  • Prevention of Bribery,  Corruption, Fraud, and Theft

Community Notices

Omihi School Office