Monday, 28th June 2021

Kia ora whānau

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This has been a full term of learning inside and outside of the classroom. I would like to thank Sally, Georgie, Penny, Ruth, Sharryn, Fi and Tracy for all of their hard work this term. Our children are so lucky to have such dedicated staff.

We are loving watching the progress of our new multipurpose space. The good news is it’s running on time and under budget…that never seems to happen, so we are thrilled! We look forward to being able to start using it at some stage in term 3. The new slide also goes in over the holidays, and the children are meeting with Emma from Woodlands Escape this week to start designing our ‘stage 2’ of the playground, which will include - shaded areas, space to eat lunch, vegetable gardens and hopefully a concrete table tennis table!

The Paddock to Plate inquiry has been so interesting this term and I enjoyed my two days with Year 5-8 last week working on their iMovie’s to finish off the inquiry. I can see there has been substantial learning going on and I love the conversations around what they have learnt and how they relate it to their own lives. You will be able to see these at the end of next week when reports go out via Hero. If you aren’t able to log on to Hero, please let me know.

This is my last newsletter for the term, so enjoy time with your family over the holidays. We are heading to Queenstown to hopefully get a bit of skiing in. Delilah went up to Coronet Peak last year, but this year she might make it down some slopes in her Dad’s backpack!

Ngā mihi

Maree Lucas

School Notices

Ski Trips
We have two ski trips booked in for Tuesday 10th and 17th August. Children need to have a parent with them that has responsibility for them for the day. If you are not able to go, it is up to you to organise another parent to take your child and they will have responsibility for them for the day. A ski trip information form is being sent home with each child today. Please send these back by Monday 5th July and let me know if you have any questions.

These are being sent home tomorrow. Please arrange to pick them up if you have ordered a lot of them.

Awaawa trip to Motunau
Awaawa will be going to Motunau on Wednesday for an afternoon walk to explore the area. We will be travelling by school bus and will be back by 3pm. Please send any booster seats if needed.

Literacy Week
We are looking forward to focusing on literacy next week. As well as our special guests we have asked the children to bring along one of their favourite books to share with their buddy. Plus a reminder that we have dress up as a book character on Friday 9th July. This is not a mufti day so they don’t need to bring any money.

Life Education
We have Harold and the Life Education van at school tomorrow. Year 0-4 are focusing on Healthy Eating and Year 5-8 will be focusing on Cybersafety.

Spring Ball - Saturday 11th September
Tickets go on sale this week! Thursday 1st July at Please spread the word and help us to make it a sell out. If you can put some posters up for us, please let me know and I will send them home.

School Docs Policies
Each term staff and our BOT review our School Docs Policies. There are some policies that are to be reviewed by parents as well. This term we have:

Username: omihi Password: glenmark

Community Notices

RESILIENT HURUNUI Brad Lake and Jamie Engelbrecht of the Amuri based "The Brothers Green"will be speaking about The Economic Opportunities for Hemp, at Amberley School, Rewi Alley room on July, 15th at 7.30 p.m. All welcome. $5 donation appreciated.

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Omihi School Office