Monday, 26th July 2021

Kia ora koutou

I hope you’ve all had some great family time during the holidays. I know it can be a busy time, especially if parents are working, but from talking to the kids it sounds like there have been some fun experiences happening, as well as time for children to recharge and energise again ready for school.

On the top of Queenstown Hill.

On the top of Queenstown Hill.

George, Delilah and I had a great time down in Queenstown and loved catching up with friends in Auckland. Delilah certainly helped us add some km’s to our virtual mission! That was an exciting end to the holidays - we managed to get all the way from Omihi to Christ Church School in London….over 26,000kms! I would like to acknowledge the dedication, perseverance, and grit that our students put in with our daily runs to help us get there. Plus the support from our Omihi whānau and extended Omihi whānau adding in all their kms. It was a great motivation for us to get out and get exercising during a cold few months! Christ Church School in London made us a little video and we were mentioned in their newsletter as well. You can see them on our Facebook page. It was a fundraising opportunity, but most importantly a chance for us to work on a goal together as one big whānau.

With our ski trips and camp this term, we have lots to look forward to. Plus we can’t wait to welcome our grandparents in for Grandparents day on the 26th August.

You will see our new multipurpose space is nearly finished, it won’t be long until we can start utilising this. The rest of the outdoor learning space will start this term and aim to be finished by term 4. We look forward to welcoming you to an official opening of our multipurpose space and playground in term 4.

Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas

School Notices

Welcome to our Omihi whānau
We welcome Jonty who has joined our Awaawa class and Mackenzie who has joined our Paemoana class.

Spring Ball
We now need everyone’s help to promote our Spring Ball and sell tickets. This is our major fundraiser of the year and can only be successful if we have everyone behind it. Tickets are on sale at I will be in touch with parents who have put their name down for jobs as needed. If you haven’t got a job and are still able to help, please let me know or add you name to the doc. The main things we still need help with are:
* a photographer
* organise the silent auction
* sell raffle tickets on the night
* someone who will be coming on the bus to check everyone off as they get on

Keeping Ourselves Safe
This term we will be running the ‘Keeping Ourselves Safe’ programme. There is information online so you can see exactly what we will be covering. Constable Ken will be working alongside us to deliver this to our students. The teachers will let you know in their newsletters when this is being covered. We encourage you to have a look at our ‘Child Protection Policy’ on School Docs. The login details are: omihi, password - glenmark.

Community Defibrillator
Please note this has now been moved from Omihi School, across the road to the Omihi Hall. It is on the side of the building and more accessible without having to go through the school gates.

Ski Trips
We are looking forward to our two whole school ski trips on the 10th and 17th August. I will share the further information with you today. Please check your child is in the correct group and has the gear selected if they need to hire, plus add in your car details at the bottom if you are driving. If you would like to meet halfway up the mountain and get a ride on the Mt Lyford bus, please contact Hamish directly on - If you have any questions please let me know. If you need any ski clothing please let me know. There are often families that can lend these out, rather than having to buy new.

School Calendar
We have a lot of things coming up this term, so please keep up to date by keeping an eye on the calendar on our website. If you would like me to share it with you so you can add it to your Google calendar, please let me know. We would love to see you at our two assemblies - Year 0-4 on Friday 27th August at 2pm and Year 5-8 on Friday 17th September at 2pm.

Teacher Only Day
Please note there is a teacher only day on Monday 27th September.

School Docs Policies
Please take time to read through and review our school policies and procedures that are under review in term 3. These can all be accessed by clicking here and entering the following case-sensitive login details below. This term we are reviewing - Behaviour Management and Concerns and Complaints.
Username: omihi
Password: glenmark

Community Notices

Scargill/Motunau Playgroup
The Scargill/Motunau Playgroup runs during the school term for children under 6 and their caregivers. We meet at Scargill every Wednesday morning to learn through play. New families welcome anytime, please contact Lisa for more information on 021 223 8029.

The Hurunui Theatre Group presents Monty Python’s SPAMALOT.

Book and lyrics by Eric Idle; music by John Du Prez & Eric Idle. A new musical lovingly ripped off from the motion picture “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” Show runs from the 26th August – 4th September at the Waipara Memorial Hall.

Tickets available from Sally Mac’s, Gas Waikari from August, or online bookings and more info at

A yoga practice can facilitate the journey to and maintain wellness. The postures and breath are an element of the whole practice of yoga. Group sessions can be the catalyst for great change and development, a dynamic element of a wholistic approach to health and wellbeing.

Singing bowls 🥣, Sound and music through high quality speakers in my private sessions.

My classes are $12, $13 for drop in. Omihi Hall, Thursdays 5.20-6.20pm.

Please get in touch with any questions and to book.

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Omihi School Office