Monday 13th June, 2022

Kia ora koutou

Associate Minister of Education and Minister of Women - Jan Tinetti.

Last week I was fortunate enough to attend the New Zealand Principal’s Federation Moot in Wellington, as President of the North Canterbury Principal’s Association. What a wonderful opportunity to be able to network with Presidents of Associations from across New Zealand and discuss education today and in the future. We also had the opportunity to hear from Associate Minister of Education and Minister of Women, Jan Tinetti. Jan was a wonderful inspiration and someone I reached out to when I came back to work with Delilah. She was a Principal previously, who also took her child to school with her, so it was great to have a Minister give me support and advice on this as a working Mum. I really enjoyed listening to her speech on Friday, from herself and Minister of Education Chris Hipkins, about our current education system, and having the opportunity to ask them questions.

Last week was ‘Support Staff’ week. An opportunity to thank our wonderful support staff who add so much value to our school. Thank you to Bryleigh (Office Manager), Sharryn (Cleaning fairy), Fi (bus driver), Tracy (bus driver and gardener) and Yo our librarian. We are lucky to have such a dedicated team.

Next week my appraiser, Jacqui Pascoe, is coming into school. Part of her appraisal of me is to talk to our staff, students, parents and our BOT chair. Each year I ask three different families to be a part of this, so thank you if you have done this in the past or you are this year. It’s such a great opportunity for me to receive feedback and continue to grow as a leader.

Ngā mihi

Maree Lucas

School Notices

Strategic initiative: Implement a culturally responsive programme
Update from Georgie, who is leading this initiative:
We have many diverse cultures within our kura. One of our strategic initiatives is to further develop our cultural responsiveness as a school, where all families and cultures feel valued and welcome. One part of this is to implement Te reo Māori and tikanga in our everyday teaching practice, which we are working towards. A major focus for us is working through the Hikairo Schema, which is a guide that allows kaiako (teachers), tamariki and whānau to collaboratively co-construct cultural goals and outcomes that are relevant to our learning contexts, and to explore the cultures within our school. It also allows us to review what is already happening in our kura and how we can add to it. We look forward to gathering voice from whānau as we work through this. Do you know we have seven different cultures within our little school?

Character Strengths
Cadence (Year 6) -
My top 3 character strengths are curiosity, appreciation of beauty and excellence, and humour. Curiosity helps me find new things to do, like trying to find an interesting book to read. Appreciation of beauty and excellence helps me appreciate beautiful things in life, like the mountains that surround our school. Humour helps me to make new friends by making them laugh.

Paid Teacher Union Meetings
This week there are a number of paid union meetings for our teachers. We have been able to cover these within, so there won’t be any disruption to our student’s day.

Naked Baker Pie orders
A reminder if you are selling pies that these need to be in by Monday 20th June. After these come in, we will then invoice for the school camp and take off anything you have earned through selling pies.

Your child’s writing comments will be published via Hero this Friday.

Preschooler morning
We look forward to welcoming back our preschoolers on Wednesday 22nd June from 9.00-10.30am. Parents will be asked to please wear a mask when inside the classroom.

Kowai Cross Country
Congratulations and good luck to Macy, Jack.S, Stan and Taylor who all competed in the Kowai Cross Country, and are now heading to the Canterbury Cross Country. Well done to Thomas and Hugo who ran in the Year 4 race as well, Hugo coming 1st and Thomas 2nd. A great success for Omihi!

A reminder that Friday 24th June is a public holiday to acknowledge Matariki. We are looking forward to celebrating Matariki in the next few weeks at school with our tamariki, and sharing our learning with you at our final assembly of the term in week 10.

Ski trips
Each year we have two ski trips at Mt Lyford. This year they are on the 17th and 24th August. Last year, due to the weather, we didn’t get to go on either, so fingers crossed for this year! We usually have the whole ski field to ourself and it is a great whānau day out with all of our teachers as well. The children have lessons in the morning, so parents usually have a ski then, and then they all ski together in the afternoon. It is the responsibility of each family to get their child there or organise for them to go with another family. Mt Lyford offer a bus from part way up the mountain if you don’t want to drive up. If children are with another family, they are that families responsibility for the day. The costs of the ski trip are: $49 for ski or snowboard hire, lesson and ski pass, or $39 with own gear. A day pass for parents is $55 with own gear or $69 including hiring gear. If you know your child will not be a part of these days, can you please let me know.

Tipu Māia update
Since 2016 our school has been part of a bigger cluster of schools called Tipu Māia Kāhui Ako - or a community of learners. The community spans from Akaroa through to Hanmer and includes 13 schools:

  • Akaroa Area School, Amuri Area School, Cheviot Area School, Greta Valley School, Hanmer Springs School, Hurunui College, Omihi School, Oxford Area School, Rangiora New Life School, Rotherham School, Waiau School, Waikari School, Waipara School

The network or structure of Tipu Māia includes a Lead Principal, two support Principals, three Across School Leaders (operating across the 13 schools), and 17 Within School Leaders (allocated and operating within a school). In 2022 this includes: Lead Principal: Mike Hart (Principal of Oxford Area School), Support Principals: Maree Lucas (Principal of Omihi School) and Anne Batt (Principal of Greta Valley School), Across School Leaders: Penny Vincent (Omihi School), Gavin Cate (Amuri Area School), and Julia Steel (Amuri Area School).

What is the purpose of Tipu Māia? The purpose of Tipu Māia is to allow the teachers of this school to be able to collaborate / connect with teachers in the other member schools to continue to improve our practice to ensure all of our students are brave, capable, and confident learners.

How does Tipu Māia work? Achievement Challenges are formed and shared across schools who carry out a plan to address those challenges. We are currently establishing challenges around Literacy, Numeracy, Wellbeing and School Culture.

Why does Tipu Māia exist? To break down our geographic isolation by sharing the best teaching practice across the 13 schools. Tipu Māia is well resourced both financially and with people dedicated to work across and within the 13 member schools.

Community Notices

Yoga class

A new yoga class is being held at the Omihi Hall every Friday morning with experienced, well known yoga teacher Tristin Apse, of The Yoga Club. The class is supported by Black Estate, for their staff and will involve strength work and mindfulness, leaving you energised for your Friday morning. All level appropriate. $20 at the door. 50 minute class starting at 8am every Friday. See you there!

Free digital banking classes
Omihi School Office