Monday 27th June, 2022

Kia ora koutou

Cadence, Ava, Jonty and Jack

I hope you had a lovely Matariki weekend with your whānau. We loved celebrating Matariki with our tamariki on Thursday and would like to thank Leighana for coming in and helping us to make fry bread. We look forward to sharing our learning with you at our end of term assembly.

This is my last newsletter for the term and I just wanted to say how wonderful it has been to have our parents and wider whānau back in our school this term. It’s been lovely to make connections again and touch base on school trips, at assemblies, whānau picnic, preschooler morning and before and after school. We really value the importance of working alongside whānau for the best results for our tamariki, and Covid has made that difficult over the past couple of years, so it is lovely to start getting back to normality as much as we can.

Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas

School Notices

Character Strengths
Jonty (Year 6) -
My top 3 character strengths are kindness, bravery and humour. Kindness helps me be kind to my friends and everyone at school. Bravery helps me stick up for others and try things if I have never done them before, I just give it a go. Humour helps me to cheer people up if they are sad by telling them a funny joke.

ERO - Education Review Office
We have been working with ERO over the past 18 months. Their model has changed, where they now work alongside the school (BOT and staff) over 3 years and are continuously reviewing with us. It is a really positive experience and we are excited to share with you our current reports (on our website) that they have produced. Through looking at our data and strategic plan, our focus is on writing, and they were impressed with what is happening in the school already and our strategic goals around this area over the next 3 years.

Movie Night
The seniors are organising a whānau movie night on Friday 5th August at 6pm. There will be two movies playing in Paemoana and Awaawa, and we welcome parents to come along to Tūpari. We would like to take 30mins to share our progress on our strategic plan, and then have an opportunity for parents to catch up. There will be popcorn available for children to purchase and we ask families to please bring along a plate to share with the adults.

Relationships and Sexuality Education
For the first few weeks in term 3, our health focus will be Relationships and Sexuality Education. There is information online for you to read so you understand what your child will be learning about. Please have a read through this and let us know if you have any questions or would like to talk further with your child’s teacher.

Junior Assembly
On the last day of term we have our Junior Assembly. This is at 2pm either outside or in the Omihi Hall. We welcome our year 5-8 parents to this as well, as we are performing a whole school dance that we have been learning this term.

Playhouse Theatre 
On Thursday 30th June the Playhouse Theatre is coming to Omihi to portray the story of “The Emperor's New Clothes”.  The cost of this is covered from this term’s activity fee.

Community Notices

Together Huruni World Wellbeing Week - 27 June - 1 July 2022. One week campaign focusing on a wellbeing challenge or activity each day

Together Hurunui will be launching a wellbeing project over World Wellbeing Week (27 June - 1 July) to highlight five ways we can add to our mental health. The campaign will run online for five days focusing on a challenge/activity each day.

To follow the online campaign over the week visit:

Hurunui Youth Volunteer Awards nominations open
Omihi School Office