Monday 27th March, 2023

Monday 27 March, 2023

Zac and Lennox enjoying our green willow hut. 

Kia ora e te whānau, 

The weather has certainly changed this last week, giving us a gentle reminder, winter is around the corner. We enjoyed having you in our classrooms last week to celebrate your child's learning at our 3 way learning conferences. I certainly appreciated having the opportunity to see you all before I head overseas. 

This term we farewell Liz Grigg who has been teaching in Tūpari each Friday. Thank you Liz, our students have been so lucky to have had an additional, dedicated teacher in our school.  We also farewell Tracy. Tracy will be resigning as our school bus driver at the end of this term. For the past 4 years, Tracy has shared the bus run with Fi, up and down Reeces road and Omihi Road as well as ferrying students to and from school excursions. We will miss you Tracy. Thank you for your reliability and service to our school over the last 4 years. 

We would like to acknowledge a special celebration within our staff that took place over the weekend. Bryleigh and her husband Ryan were married at Tipapa Estate. We are excited to hear about their special day and look forward to seeing some photos.

This will be our last school newsletter for the term. Thank you all once again for your ongoing support. I will be back to visit and look forward to following our school activities and adventures on our school social media pages. We wish you all a safe Easter break. 

Ngā mihi
Sally Mickleson and Penny Vincent
Acting Tumuaki/Principal

School Notices

Our raffle is ready to go. Your child will receive their tickets this week and they will have until the 1st week of term 2 to sell their 20 tickets. Tickets are $5 each. We encourage children to take ownership of selling their tickets by asking neighbours, grandparents, aunties, uncles etc.

Our year 5-8 camp is fast approaching and it’s great to see our tamariki so excited. Camp booklets will go home this week. Please read through these with your child and use the holidays to organise any gear on the list. If there are items on the gear list that you don’t have at home, please email Georgie and she will do her best to find any items within our school whānau. 

Vision and Hearing 

The vision and hearing service will be at school on Tuesday 28th March 1:30-3 pm. This is a free, routine public health service for our year 7 and 8 students. If your child is not in year 7 or 8 and you would like them to be screened for their vision and hearing, please let your child’s teacher know and we can arrange for them to be seen when the technician is at school. 

ANZAC Day Service
There will be an ANZAC service at the Omihi Domain on Tuesday 25th April at 9am. Our year 8 leader, Macy, will be reading a poem and we have a wreath to lay. We would love to see our students at this service or another in our area. Children attending are asked to wear school uniform please. 

We are swimming until the end of the term to maximise use out of our pool, weather permitting. It is heated so please send togs to school with children everyday. 

A reminder to please park across the road after school. Our bus needs the space to pull in to collect our bus students and this can be a hazard if there are vehicles in the way. Children will need to be walked across the road by an adult. 

Your child will receive a Maths, P.E and Inquiry comment in Week 10 of this term. These will be available to view on Hero. If you need any support with your Hero account, please contact your child's teacher. 

Sanitary Products - Together Hurunui
Last year the Ministry of Education launched the IKURA Initiative, providing free period products to schools. Together Hurunui applied to be a part of the initiative and received three pallets of period products. Natalie Paterson has delivered some to our school. We will send some home with the girls in Tūpari this week, then let Sally know if you would like anymore.  If you don’t want any sent home, let us know by Friday.

Lunches Online
This week it is Subway. Please use this link to place an order. 

Key Dates:

  • Tuesday 28th March- Vision and Hearing Service at school 

  • Thursday 30th March - Canterbury Primary Swimming

  • Monday 3rd April - Year 3-4 T-Ball competition at the Scargill Domain

  • Thursday 6th April - Last day of term and reports home

  • Friday 7th April - Good Friday

  • Monday 24th April - Teacher Only 

  • Tuesday 25th April - ANZAC Day - Service 9am at the Omihi Domain

  • Wednesday 21st June - Omihi School Production (Peter Pan) day and evening performance 

Community Notices

House for rent
Do you know of a house for rent between Greta Valley and Waipara? Our lovely new teacher Kelly is looking for somewhere in this area. Please get in touch with Kelly on 0277330022 if you know of somewhere available.

CodeCamp April School Holidays
CodeCamp allows children from the ages of 7-12 to develop 21st century skills in a fun and action packed environment.  Develop confidence & initiative through design, creativity, solving problems, presenting & collaboration. Create games, apps.

Waimari School: 17th - 20th April.  Book Now at  

Maree Lucas