Wednesday 26th April, 2023

Jack, Zac, Jonty, Kaisa and Taylor, happy to be back!

Tena koutou katoa

We had a great start to the term with a teacher only day on Monday. A chance to focus on our NZ curriculum and our strategic initiatives.

It was lovely to see some of our families at the ANZAC day service in Omihi yesterday. Thank you to Macy who memorised and recited a poem, and Leo who laid a wreath on behalf of Omihi School, with support of Lily, Thomas and Emma.

A warm welcome to Miss Fletcher, who is our new teacher in Tūpari. We are excited to have Kelly as part of our Omihi whānau.

We hope you all had a lovely holiday, and we are looking forward to catching up with you this term. Even though it is a part time basis at the moment, I am excited to be back. Delilah, Ada and I will be popping in to see our students on Friday morning. If you are dropping your children at school, please come and say hi.

Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas

School Notices

Year 5-8 Camp
Our camp is coming around quickly! If you have any questions before your child goes away next week, please get in touch with Georgie, who is leading the camp, or Kelly.

Raffle tickets
A reminder to please send the raffle ticket money and tickets back to school by Monday 1st May. We encourage our students to be involved in selling the tickets.

A reminder for children to please bring their scripts every day.

Cross Country
Please ensure your child has running shoes each day as we will be practising for the Small School’s cross country. This will be on Tuesday 6th June.

This term you will be receiving a comment/post on the following areas - reading, writing, the arts (drama), general comment and an updated achievement graph for reading, writing and maths.

ICAS Assessments
There is an option for your child to complete ICAS assessments in August this year. These are completely optional. Some parents like them for their child to practise tests for high school, and some like to get the results to use for applications for high school. The options of assessments are here, and here are the costs. If you would like to enter your child in any of these, please email Bryleigh by the 19th May.

Preschooler morning
We welcome our preschoolers to join us on Wednesday 17th May from 9am - 10.30am. Please bring along a drink bottle and a snack for your child for morning tea.

We are excited to welcome Matua Rihari back this term to lead our kapahaka group. A big thank you to the Creative Communities Scheme, through the Hurunui District Council, which have helped us to fund this.

Omihi Library
This term our library day is on Thursdays. As well as books for our students, we have a great selection of adult books and books for preschoolers. If you would like to utilise this, please feel free to pop in anytime. There is a self check out option, or you can come on a Thursday afternoon when our students go to the library and we can issue for you.

Community Notices

A reminder there is a yoga class being held at the Omihi Hall every Friday morning with experienced, well known yoga teacher Tristin Apse, of The Yoga Club. The class is supported by Black Estate for their staff, and will involve strength work and mindfulness, leaving you energised for your Friday morning. All levels appropriate. $20 at the door. 50 minute class starting at 8am every Friday. See you there!

Maree Lucas