Monday 4th March, 2024
Kia ora koutou,
We were incredibly proud of how our tamariki swam at the Small School Swimming Sports last week, but also for their sportsmanship and values that they showed throughout the event. Congratulations to our students listed below who have qualified for Kowai Swimming Sports.
Thanks to everyone who came along to our ‘Food Truck Friday’. It was a great evening to catch up with friends, meet new people, and try some of the delicious food. We hope to make this an annual event.
Thanks to Kelly who organised our first Omihi teams to be a part of Agrikids in the weekend. They had a great time!
Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas
School Notices
3 Way Learning Conferences
We have these in week eight. Please book your child’s time in here. Paemoana will be on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th March, and Awaawa and Tūpari will be Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th March.
Professional Learning Development (PLD)
As a school we are very proactive and supportive around our staff continuing to learn and upskill. This year, from being a part of the Tipu Māia Kāhui Ako, we are able to access professional learning for literacy and numeracy. All of our teachers will be attending PLD with Dr Helen Walls for literacy and Rob Proffitt-White for numeracy. They will be attending one day a term for each, plus numerous after school Zoom sessions.
We are also all attending a hui day in Hanmer Springs next Friday 15th (teacher only day), focused on Trauma informed practice, the Mental Health Curriculum and resources, and supporting Rainbow youth. All of this is funded through our Kāhui Ako. Included is also Cultural Leadership PLD in which Penny and I will be attending each term.
Last year Georgie completed the Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori course, which consists of 14 weeks of 2.5 hour Zoom sessions after school. Kelly and I are attending these this year.
Whole School Assembly
We welcome you to our whole school assembly this Friday 8th March at 2pm in Kahiwi.
Teacher only day
A reminder of our teacher only day on Friday 15th March.
ICAS Assessments
There is an option for your child to complete ICAS Assessments in August this year. These are completely optional. Some parents like them for their child to practise tests for high school, and some like to get the results to use for applications for high school. The options of assessments are here, and here are the costs. If you would like to enter your child in any of these, please email the office by the 19th May.
School swimming results
Congratulations to the following students who placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their races. Everyone swam incredibly well.
1st - Lily, Taylor, Harry, Ava, Ze’ev, Jonty, Fergus, Michael, Arlo, Ruby-Grace, Jack
2nd - Delia, Thomas, Ze’ev, Leo, Arlo, Ruby-Grace, Andy, Zac, Jonty
3rd - Cadence, Noah, Hugo, Fergus, Thomas, Delia, Michael
Congratulations to the following students who have qualified for Kowais, on Tuesday 5th March - Arlo, Andy, Ruby-Grace, Taylor, Zac, Lily, Jonty, Thomas and Jack.
Subway this week
Is there anyone who can please collect the school’s Subway lunch order from Rangiora on their way to school this Wednesday morning? Our lovely family who usually do this for us are away this week. Please let Georgie know if you can do this as soon as possible.
Community Notices
ShareWaste app
ShareWaste is a free app you can download and use to drop off or collect food waste for composting and worm farms, instead of sending it to land fill. There are people on the app in Hanmer springs, Waiau, Parnassus and Amberley. See the council website here for more information.
Rowing for Life Aotearoa
On 11 March, a team of rowers will be arriving at Motunau Beach having rowed from Amberley. The rowers are raising funds for Rowing for Life Aotearoa, as part of a nationwide campaign (more information below).
It would be great for any locals to come along and support them. It is weather dependent, however they are are planning to arrive approximately 4pm on 11 March. Come down and see them!