Monday 18th March, 2024
Kia ora koutou,
Last Friday the teachers and I were at a hui in Hanmer Springs. Our keynote speaker was Jase Williams, on Trauma Informed Practice. We also looked at the mental health guidelines and resources, and gender diversity. We joined our 12 other schools from our Tipu Māia Kāhui Ako. It’s such a great opportunity to be a part of our kāhui and have all of this professional learning available to us at no cost. Working alongside the other schools, it’s a wonderful networking opportunity as well. The other schools in our kāhui are - Waipara, Greta Valley, Waikari, Waiau, Rotherham, Hanmer Springs, Cheviot Area School, Hurunui College, Amuri Area School, Oxford Area School, Akaroa Area School and Rangiora New Life.
We would like to wish Bryleigh well on her maternity leave. She will be finishing before Easter, and we look forward to hearing her news when bubs arrives. Trudy is currently working every Wednesday, and will start 3 days a week after Easter.
Ngā mihi
Maree Lucas
School Notices
Omihi bus
If there are any changes on the bus morning or afternoon, please message the bus drivers directly. You can contact myself or the teachers as well, but if an email has been sent in the afternoon we may not see it before the bus run.
Contacting teachers
We work really hard as employers to ensure our staff have a balance between work and their home life. We would appreciate it if you can please avoid sending late night emails/text, or emails/texts in the weekend. Please either send them during the working day, or if you are writing them at night, schedule them to send the next morning.
As a BOT we have decided move our raffle to term 4, so it coincides with our trail ride. Anna Williams has kindly taken on the organisation of this, and she is going to organise prizes, which means we don’t need to ask parents to donate prizes. What we will need support in is selling the tickets. Each child will have 20 x $5 tickets to sell, plus we will be looking for volunteers to sell them at the Amberley A&P Show, our Trail ride and outside Countdown Amberley. The money raised from our trail ride and raffle directly fund us being able to have a third teacher, and ensure small class sizes. If you have any ideas, prizes, or would like to help Anna, please contact her on 022 064 6607 or
Easter Weekend
Schools are closed on Good Friday, Easter Monday and also on Tuesday 2nd April.
Year 5-8 Camp: 3rd-5th April
We are getting excited about our senior camp. Kelly and Georgie will be attending camp, Kate will be teaching at school on Wednesday and Thursday, and Elizabeth Maddren will be teaching on Friday. I will be at school on Wednesday, and will be at camp on Thursday/Friday. The remaining info for camp will be sent home early next week, or feel free to contact Kelly with any questions.
3 Way Learning Conferences
We look forward to seeing you at 3 Way Learning Conferences this week. Please contact your child’s teacher if you haven’t made a time yet, as there are still a few available spaces.
Paid Union Meetings
The teachers will be attending paid union meetings on Wednesday 20th March. There are two on that day, so we have managed to send teachers to different ones so we can keep the school open, and just merge classes where needed.
We welcome you to our ANZAC day service across the road from school on Thursday 25th April at 9.00am, run by the RSA. Please let Maree know if you are coming, as we will be asking some of our students to speak or lay a wreath on the day. We ask our students to please wear school uniform. We are going to have a shared morning tea afterwards, and we will have a coffee cart. So if you would like to stay afterwards to catch up with everyone, please bring a small plate to share.
School Docs policies to review
We work on a 3 year cycle, and each term we review a number of our policies. These are open for review from our community as well. Please review the following by clicking on this link: Username: omihi Password: glenmark
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Board Responsibility
Parent Involvement
Communicating with Parents
Community Conduct Expectations
Documentation and Self-Review Policy
School Planning and Reporting
Reporting to Parents on Student Progress and Achievement
Community Notices
SAVE THE DATE: Glenmark/Cheviot Rugby Club Day
Saturday 11th of May, Omihi Sports Domain.
JAB, Colts, Div 2 & Div 1 games.
Exhibition Game - Alnwick RFC (England) vs Glenmark/Cheviot Rhinos.
Branded BBQ and Matt Hantler music to follow. More information to come.
Environment Canterbury Long-term Plan 2024-34
A copy of Environment Canterbury’s draft long term plan for 2024-34 and ‘have your say’ submission forms are able to be found in the school office. Submissions close on Sunday 14 April. Please pop into the school office if you would like to view the draft plan and grab a form.